Clothing Labels are one of the first things someone will look at when they buy a piece of clothing. These labels are like an extension of the garment and an attractive design can help in the purchase decision. Moreover, by having Custom Clothing Labels attached to your designs, you're helping your customers to find you again next time. Other important labels that has to be on your garment are Care Labels. They have all the relevant information about the care and maintenance, such as wash instructions, fabric composition, etc. They also indicate the size of the article to help the buyer in selecting the correct size. Check out this article with important information and FTC regulations about care labels: Why are Care Labels a Must? Or for more details go to Federal Trade Comission . If you're looking for a reliable company to help you with your Garment Labels or Clothing Care Labels , call us toll free (888) 720-2115. See and download the full gallery on poster...
Custom Clothing Labels - Printed & Woven Labels for Apparel and Fashion Designers.