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Showing posts from May, 2013

Custom Woven Labels for Quilts

After all the time you have dedicated to your quilt, you feel the need to let everyone know that it was you who made it. Or don't you? If you feel you want to bring your quilting business to a new label, you will definitely need a professional-looking label attached to it. And the best looking branding labels are also known as woven labels. Do you want to know more about woven labels for quilts? Visit our blog post . Do you feel like browsing for some inspiration for your quilt labels? Visit our new Album: Custom Quilt Labels Happy Reading

Custom Labels For Handmade Items - Theme of the Month

This month we will be talking about: Clothing Labels for Handmade Items . We will explore your options in terms of styles, sizes, folds, designs as well as show-casing a variety of custom clothing labels we have made in the past for our knitters, crocheters, quilters,seamstresses  and other crafters. If you have a handmade - handcrafted items business and are thinking about ways you can brand your items, you are in luck. Check out our blog for updates on this subject Your questions and comments are always welcome.